Publication standars
Publication criteria
Articles and reviews submitted to the journal must maintain scientific rigour, being original documents that have not been previously published or submitted for review in any other publication. Works related to the study of terrorism from any of its multiple approaches or approaches will be accepted.
The evaluation system of the content of the papers will be carried out through peer review, guaranteeing the anonymity of the author. This review will be carried out by two members of the Scientific Committee or specialists from outside the journal, and the suitability of the subject matter, the originality of the content, the contribution in academic terms and scientific rigour will be evaluated. The evaluators will give their opinion on the work, deciding whether it meets the conditions for publication or whether modifications are necessary. They may also decide, in the event that the text analysed does not meet the minimum requirements, that it is not valid for the journal. The evaluation process will take less than eight weeks from the time of acknowledgement of receipt of the article received, and the author will be informed of its receipt within a maximum period of one week. In the case of papers that must undergo modifications at the request of the reviewers, the maximum time to send the final version of the paper will be ten days from the moment the author is informed, after which time the paper will be re-evaluated and a decision will be taken as to whether or not it should be published. In these cases, corrections must be limited to errors, with the possibility of adding content being restricted.
The journal will be published every four months, so there will be three annual issues published in the first week of April, August and December. The deadline for submissions will be three months before the publication of each issue; in the event that the work is received later than the stipulated date, it will be incorporated into the review for the next issue. As an exception, the first issue of the journal will be published in the second half of December 2020, and the period for receipt of papers will be open until 15 November.
Original papers should be sent to the editorial team by email to, with a copy of their content to the following address: Two files should be sent in Word format, one with the author’s name and professional affiliation, together with a brief description of his/her CV at the bottom of the page, and the other with an anonymous version.
Rules and instructions for authors
-Papers may be written in either Spanish or English.
-They must conform to the spelling rules of the Real Academia Española, following the 2019 update of the 2010 edition.
-The minimum length of scientific articles will be 4,000 words, and the maximum length will be 5,000 words, not including the references section or footnotes, which must not exceed 2,000 words. All articles must include an abstract in Spanish and English, not exceeding 200 words each and with a maximum of 5 key words, also in both languages. Bibliographic reviews will have a maximum length of 1,500 words.
-The structure of the scientific articles must be:
Title, centred.
Name(s) of the author(s) together with their institutional affiliation under the title and with the surname(s) in capital letters. A brief footnote should be added next to each of the authors as a description of their professional career.
Main sections should be numbered and highlighted in bold (1.), the first one being the introduction.
Second level sections should be numbered and in italics (1.1.).
Third level sections should be numbered and underlined (1.1.1.).
Bibliographical references in alphabetical order.
-The text should follow the Arial 12 style with 1.5 line spacing. The text should not be double-spaced, except in the heading of each main section, and tabs should be avoided, with some exceptions. The paper should be aligned in justified alignment.
-Quotations longer than four lines must be tabulated and spaced with respect to the paragraph above and below.
-The citation model will be based on APA criteria, adding in the body of the text in parentheses the surname or surnames of the authors together with the year of publication of the work and the page, if necessary (González, 2015:35), and will be cited in full in the final section of bibliographical references. Footnotes should be reserved for clarifications, comments or occasional comments, making moderate use of them.
-Tables or graphs in numerical order may be included. All of them must have a brief description and begin with FIGURE X. (FIGURE 4. TABLE EVOLUTION OF ATTENTION). The corresponding origin of the source, either from another work or own elaboration, must be indicated at the end of the description (SOURCE: own elaboration).